Monday, December 26, 2011

''Le Prestige'' Launch Party

Last week I was invited to “Le Prestige” launch party. Le Prestige is a new dating site created by one of my friends, I had a great time and I wish her all the success in her new venture. I get really excited when I have an opportunity to wear one of my designs from my collection “FUCHSIA By Lilia” in a red carpet event. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

'' trend the turban''

Turbans are back!
The turban has been around since the late 1960’s, but they have been a hot trend in the 2011/2012 fashion runways and I am so excited for their return, They are back in many colors and prints. Turbans can be fun, elegant and chic.

Los turbantes estan de regreso!
Los turbantes han estado de moda desde los 1960’s pero en el 2011/2012 regresaron como tendencia a las pasarelas de la moda y estoy muy emocionada porque estan de regreso. Estan de moda en muchos colores y estampados. Los turbantes pueden ser divertidos y elegantes.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Into the folds

I spent a weekend in Santa Barbara, “The American Riviera.” It is a Spanish colonial place, a beautiful town surrounded by mountains and the pacific ocean.

ACCORDION, PLISSE , PLEATS. This season designers sent pleats down the runway. We’re not talking about the stiff folds of your schoolgirl uniform here, we are talking about a modern looking edge to longer lengths and interesting fabrics.
Horse prints are not something common to see in the fashion shows, but this fall, designers took that risk and I love the way that it gives the outfit a vintage look. 

Pase un fin de semana en Santa Barbara “ The American Riviera” un lugar colonial, una ciudad preciosa rodeada de montanas y  el oceano pacifico.

 TABLEADO, PLISADO. Esta temporada los disenadores presentaron en las pasarelas plisados. No hablo de los plisados en los uniformes colegiales, hablo de faldas mas largas con un look moderno  y telas interesantes.
Estampados de caballos no es algo muy comun en las pasarelas pero esta tempoada algunos disenadores fueron mas atrevidos y me encanta el “ vintage look” que refleja.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I have had a fascination for Hollywood and it’s life style since I was a little girl. Now that I live so close, I love to go as often as I can and spend the day discovering new places and restaurants. In” The look of the day,” I’m combining two totally different styles .I’m wearing a very feminine dress and mixing it with a jacket that has a very punk rock look. The idea behind wearing two totally different styles in an outfit is to wear two trends and have a daring look.

Desde que era nina siempre tuve una fascinacion por Hollywood y su estilo de vida. Ahora  que vivo tan cerca me encanta ir a visitar muy seguido e ir descubriendo nuevos  restaurantes y lugares donde pasar el dia. Hablando de mi ‘look del dia’ estoy usando dos estilos totalmente diferentes un vestido de encaje con un look femenino y una chamarra de piel con un look ‘punk’ muy rockera, la idea de usar dos estilos totalmente diferentes en un mismo atuendo te permite usar dos tendencias que estan a la moda y tener un look mas atrevido.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter Capes

My favorite  seasons have always been fall and winter when temperatures start cooling down. One of the reasons is because of the fashion trends of these two seasons. Boots, hats and coats have always made an outfit look and feel complete. Capes have been in style and have been present in many major fashion shows since 2010. This camel cape is one of my favorites, not only because of the color but because of the style and shape.

Mis temporadas favoritas siempre han sido el otono y el invierno  cuando las temperaturas empieza a bajar, y una de las razones es porque las tendencias en la moda de invierno son mis favoritas.
Las botas, los sombreros y los abrigos siempre hacen lucir cualquier atuendo mucho mas completo. Desde el  2010 las capas estuvieron presentes en todas las pasarelas importantes de la moda y en esta temporada sigue siendo una tendencia, esta capa color camello es una de mis favoritas no solo por el color si no por el volumen y estilo.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dark Transparency

      Lately I have been really into long skirts, and speaking of long skirts this one is a very nice silky see- through skirt that has become one of my favorites.  I love wearing this skirt with high heels and I can't think of a better pair of boots than this open ankle boots.

Ultimamente lo que mas  me gusta son las faldas largas, y hablando de faldas largas esta transparente es mi favorita en este momento.  Me encanta usarlas con tacones altos y no puedo pensar en mejor opcion que estas botas abiertas al tobillo.