Monday, December 5, 2011


I have had a fascination for Hollywood and it’s life style since I was a little girl. Now that I live so close, I love to go as often as I can and spend the day discovering new places and restaurants. In” The look of the day,” I’m combining two totally different styles .I’m wearing a very feminine dress and mixing it with a jacket that has a very punk rock look. The idea behind wearing two totally different styles in an outfit is to wear two trends and have a daring look.

Desde que era nina siempre tuve una fascinacion por Hollywood y su estilo de vida. Ahora  que vivo tan cerca me encanta ir a visitar muy seguido e ir descubriendo nuevos  restaurantes y lugares donde pasar el dia. Hablando de mi ‘look del dia’ estoy usando dos estilos totalmente diferentes un vestido de encaje con un look femenino y una chamarra de piel con un look ‘punk’ muy rockera, la idea de usar dos estilos totalmente diferentes en un mismo atuendo te permite usar dos tendencias que estan a la moda y tener un look mas atrevido.


  1. Lilia, this is one of our favorite places too. Your bold look expresses what the pioneers of the observatory had in mind....dare to discover outer space and ourselves.

    Ana Maria
